Sunday, 27 January 2013

Reflective Satement

Time to evaluate my work, and think how could I improved it for next Unit.

 Overall my experience as a student at Chelsea Univ. is been very positive.
 I become more independent in my studies and with the wide quality range of facilities that University offers me it make a very rich experience.

The first task of the Unit 1 was a good first contact with other students, and  the city. Then we started having a different  technical block every two weeks and so the Theathre Lectures, and drawing classes.
 This teaches me to regulate my time better but it took me few weeks to get used to, and to push myself with the blog which I think it is my mayor weakness, as a result of my lack of knowledge on computers. 
Once I got used to the blog I see it as an sketchbook where to record every day class and be more reflective with my work. I find it more useful specially for writing, and research tasks. When I look back to my blog I see a strong compilation of visual contents that it will help me for future projects.
I found very helpful the Language class for me to get more confidence with my writing which still not good enough, and takes lot of my time to get myself comprehensible in the way I will like to do.  
Looking forward for next Unit. 

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