Thursday, 8 November 2012

war museun

The first object I pick it up from the exhibition at The War Museum is Mr. Hugh Munro being mauled by a Bengal tiger, December 1792
" I heard a roar like thunder, and saw an inmensetiger spring on Monro..." July 1793  "The Genthelman's Magazine"
It really capture my attention this piece.

1st Brigade British Division
Pennant which flew at 1st Brigade Headquaters British Division throughthout the battle of Omdurman, Sudan 1898

Official Keys To Bloemfontein
Bloemfontain , the principle town of the Orange Free State fell to the British, amidst much rejoicing by the mainly British inhabitants , 13 March 1900. The Mayor, Dr Kellner and two members of the executive council presented the keys of Bloemfontein to Field Marshal Lord Roberts. A little silk union flag, madev by Lady Roberts , was run up on the Presidency flagstaff.

Generously donated by Lieutenant-General Sir Euan Miller.

At beginning of day, respect for Xmas shown. On both sides, fellows stood on the parapet & struck matches and shouted across greetings to each other.
When it got light, everybody strolled about, conversed with the Germans, exchanged souvenirs, played football and not a shot fired all day or night.
Beautiful day, white frost.      Entry from the diary of Rifleman William Eve, 1st/16th Batallion, The London Regiment (Queen's Westminster Rifles),25 December 1914

Printed Cotton handkerchief, c1951
This was made in Korea and sent from the Communist forces to UN troops at Christmas 1951. The message is typical of the Communist attempt to influence UN troops and the text around the border reads, 'From the Chinese People's Volunteers Korea 1951. Demand Peace! Stop the War! It's not disgrace to quit fighting this unjust war. Withdraw all foreign troops from Korea, leave Korea to the Koreans'.

As a theme I picked it up this series of war flags. One really have to see these flags in order to appreciate them. I see them as an enormous and significant piece of history. Most of them did not have any information to be recognize.

I really enjoyed the visit to this Museum, specially because I went with the preconceive

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